Catherine DeRose

Technical Writing | User Experience Design

Comparison of colors from the same image across different editions of William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience

BlakeTint is open-source software the Yale Digital Humanities Lab created in collaboration with Sarah Weston, a dual PhD student in English and Art History at Yale. The visualization software provides users with macro- and micro-level views for studying William Blake’s use of color. Users can search by time or illuminated manuscript to see how the color palettes change.

As Project Manager for BlakeTint, I guided the development team, project timeline, and client expectations, writing the project charter that detailed the deliverables and acting as the liaison between the team and client. Additional team members included Sarah Weston (Principal Investigator), Jake Kara (Developer), and Monica Ong Reed (User Experience Designer).

Comparison of algorithmically extracted color palette’s across William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience